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The Practices Of Tantra
Submitted : 2006-11-15 00:00:00Word Count : 687Popularity: 112Tags: Practices of Tantra, tantric exercises
Author :
In an effort to experience more joy, freedom, love and growth, we often look outside of ourselves,hogan, rather than focusing inward. We seek more possessions,louboutin pas cher, a beautiful home, jewelry, shoes, and clothes, often in excess. We resort to food,louboutin, build up our bodies, take drugs or alcohol. We use religion as a crutch, rather than accepting the fact that Divinity is within all of us.

Tantra is a spiritual path for integrating body,hollister, mind and spirit for experiencing our inner joy. Tantra gives us the tools to be totally free from negativity impressed upon us at an early age by family, church,abercrombie france, friends and peers. Through tantra we learn to open our hearts to the unconditional love of the Self as well as others. We experience growth and continual expansion.

Tantra means liberation through expansion. By expanding our awareness we learn to distinguish our limited ego nature from our higher nature. As we begin to realize our own divinity, we can see the divine in our beloved, in all people, in all of life. It differs from other paths in its acceptance and use of all the senses, including sexuality and feelings, to help us evolve spiritually. Tantra encourages us to enjoy more fully the world in which we live, as a way to access other worlds.

By practicing tantra we can learn to amplify and transmute sexual energy through breathing techniques, exercises and dance. Instead of being at the effect of this powerful force, we use it consciously to actualize our spiritual potential. We learn to release inhibitions and blocks that prevent us from experiencing our true joyful nature. We come to realize that the physical body is a vehicle for the soul to celebrate and experience joy and ecstasy. We become profound and playful. God learns to play at being human.

We learn true intimacy with our partner by consciously moving and sharing cosmic energies. Tantra can be practiced without a partner as well. As we await our beloved, we work at honoring and balancing our inner male and female. When we combine our analytical, linear, verbal, abstract side synergistically with our intuitive, holistic, sensual, practical side, we find the essence of creative genius.

Tantra teaches us to transcend the limitations of the mind by distinguishing our limited ego nature from our higher self. The ego/mind believes that having its desires fulfilled brings happiness. The omniscient mind lives continually in bliss. As we discover our truths, desires are released,nfl jerseys, and we come to identify more and more with this bliss body. Rather than living through the mind and the mind's habit of placing everything in a familiar setting, we learn to trust our intuition about the unexpected and the unknown. We learn to do this by becoming inner-directed,abercrombie, taking responsibility for our lives and learning to live in the present moment.

The many practices of tantra, which include breathing, meditation,karen millen outlet, movement, dance and sound rejuvenate the body, recycle sexual energy,louboutin pas cher, transforming it for increased vitality and self-healing.

Tantric sex is meditative, spontaneous and intimate lovemaking. Through it you learn to prolong the act of making love and to channel, rather than dissipate potent orgasmic energies moving through you,air jordan pas cher, thereby raising the level of your consciousness. Tantra transports your sexuality from the plane of doing to the place of being. There is no goal in Tantric sex, only the present moment of perfect and harmonious union. Tantra teaches you to revere your sexual partner and to transform the act of sex into a sacrament of love.
Tantra teaches that lovemaking between a man and woman,mulberry outlet, when entered into with Awareness,air jordan, is a gateway to both sexual and spiritual ecstasy. It is necessary to purify and master your body and mind. With practice you will awaken the powerful psychic energies through which you can enter into higher states of Consciousness.
Through the sacred act of love, you can merge the dual nature of your sexuality into an ecstatic union. Through this will come the harmonization of your own internal masculine and feminine polarities and a realization of the blissful nature of your Self.
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