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There is one key blunder that nearly all new Market America representatives create that is far ahead of the others.
Your personal name has to be on the Internet in the form of a website not just the Market America brand and corporate website.
In addition, it needs to be entirely separate from Market America and your upline organization.
To accomplish this, you have to have a web presence in three areas: You  by dre pro have to have a domain name. You must have a website. And, you need to have a hosting account.
Now these sites are extremely easy to figure out but everybody believes that they are difficult. That is one reason why Market America or your upline will provide it for you. Many imagine  beats by dr dre studio monster it is challenging.
These business websites seem to be so suitable and simple. They are hard to resist. The cost is right. They will almost give you one either cheap or for free.
When you connected with Market America, they or your upline, offered you a website just for being a part of the team. Even  dre solo beats though it may be for no cost, it does keep you from positioning yourself appropriately on the web.
A replicated website, even an excellent one like Market America gives you, is planned to highlight Market America. It may have a small section for your profile but it is not designed to promote you ? only Market America. Also, they can place items without your permission. They completely control the site. You will be forever advertising Market America.
The largest mistake a new Market America representative makes is not securing their personal name. Remember, other people sign up with you rather than connecting with a business. You want to create a site to promote you and not Market America.
It is so simple to setup your personal name as a site. It is called a "domain name".
For you to have your own site, you must first register a domain name and get hosting for that domain. As an example: Ebay.com is a domain name, but you would NOT be able to use that website if it were not hosted at a hosting site.
Remember, a domain name is your exclusive address on the web. That is the reasoning everyone needs to have his or her personal name! After  beats by dre pro on sale you select it - no one else can  dr dre head phones have it.
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Here is the quickest and easiest way to avoid this blunder that a lot of Market America representatives make::
Get your own domain name with your personal name like mine: ?DaveLovett.com?. This is me. Oh, if yours is not available, then just get it close it resembling it like ?DaveandMichelleLovett.com?
Also, you need a site hosting account. I have a preference to be with one of the larger companies like GoDaddy. This is not a time to go cheap. You want it dependable and operating all the time. Pick a "WordPress Blog Hosting Account" so you can get a free blog site up in a few minutes.
Finally, go and get a simple site up on that hosting account. WordPress will provide them to you for no cost. WordPress calls the free sites, "blogs", and they have ?themes?. They are so easy to set up. You do not have to be expensive or perfect for now. It just has to be your name and your website and your hosting account.
Let me recommend that you at least get own name and hosting account at this moment! Here is the dilemma if you do not go to do this now. .
It is because someone else may get your name for his or her domain!
The only answer to prevent this error is to secure your name today. At least secure it before another person by the same name secures your name.
Dave Lovett is a noted Internet and Online Network Marketing Professional. You can learn more about setting up your OWN NAME and HOSTING ACCOUNT at www.DaveandMichelleLovett.com Simple step by step video instructions are available.
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