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Is GoDaddy the next Wal-Mart? Well, it is definitely getting to be a big corporation. Everywhere you go nowadays, you see ads for GoDaddy.com. It's getting to the point where their branding has most of us thinking GoDaddy as our top of mind awareness whenever we think of domain registration. Is that bad? Or it is just good, thorough marketing?
It's interesting how every time a  Beats By Dre Studio For Sale company begins to grow, we think that it is becoming an evil corporation. Have you heard people saying this about GoDaddy already?
Many times, it seems suspicious when a company such as McDonald's, Wal-Mart, and others start offering products for much cheaper than the local competitors do. While there is room for the argument that they get their supplies on discount due to bulk purchasing, at some point you wonder where else they might be cutting costs.  Beats By Dre Beats
For example, what if GoDaddy were cutting costs by decreasing the value of their services? What if they were not following up with their clients with  Discount Beats By Dre good customer service after the sale? What if they were not paying their employees fairly, laying off good people, or even hiring people from out of the US (a practice called outsourcing)? It's hard to find out for sure if this is being done, but those are things that do affect the well-being of our economy and are valid questions.
Most often, when a company exceeds a certain size (like when it goes national or international) there  Wireless Beats By Dre is some form of  Beats By Dre Pro Cheap corruption to be found. Why is that? Truly, this is human nature. Many human beings are corrupt. So the likelihood that a company, like GoDaddy for example, has some imperfections within is just as  Beats By Dre Cheap high as it is in any corporations. Does this fact make all corporate entities evil on the whole? That doesn't necessarily feel like a fair assessment, but it's a judgment that is often made.
When you purchase something from a burgeoning corporation at a lower price, don't jump to conclusions. Do your research, before you assume they are up to no good.Compare Godaddy domains to Yahoo domains and other providers at  
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